
Friday, October 04, 2019

Farm Aid 2019 Highlights - Alpine Valley, Wisconsin

Willie Nelson Joined by Farm Aid Friends
photo by thrashette
(Click photo to enlarge)

Here are a few highlights of our Farm Aid 2019 Concert.

Neil Young & Promise of the Real perform “Throw Your Hatred Down” at Farm Aid 2019 at Alpine Valley Music Theatre in East Troy, Wisconsin, on September 21.

Neil Young & Promise of the Real

Willie Nelson w/ Lukas Nelson, Mickey Raphael

John Mellencamp

Dave Matthews with Tim Reynolds

Bonnie Raitt

Bonnie Raitt

Luke Combs

Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

Jamey Johnson

Margo Price

Margo Price

Margo Price

Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, w/ Margo Price & Help From A Little Friend

Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, w/ Margo Price, Yola, Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, w/ Margo Price, Yola, Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

Lukas Nelson

Tanya Tucker

Particle Kid w/ Promise of the Real

Particle Kid (aka Micah Nelson)

The Band Start Times Were Running Behind Right From The Start
(and that's ok)

Many thanks to The FarmAidians Paul & Renee for making another Farm Aid 2019 weekend possible!

FarmAidians Say F* Off Monsanto/Bayer!

The FarmAidians & The Magic Bus

See you down that road!

Farm Aid Board: Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, Neil Young & Dave Matthews
Pre-concert Press Conference

photo by thrashette
(Click photo to enlarge)

And thanks Willie, Neil, John, Dave & all artists for all you guys do for The Farmers. It was a beautiful day and we're so glad we could be there with everyone. It was a great weekend, with great folks, for a great cause. ☮️♥️


Willie Nelson

A campaign for a Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson's Farm Aid work has been launched!

Willie Nelson's efforts for Farm Aid deserve a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Join the campaign by liking the Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize page on Facebook.

Willie Nelson has been helping family farmers for over 25 years decades and has raised awareness of healthy foods while raising funds for the cause.

Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp organized the first Farm Aid concert in 1985 to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and to raise funds to keep farm families on their land. Dave Matthews joined the Farm Aid Board of Directors in 2001. Farm Aid has raised more than $37 million to promote a strong and resilient family farm system of agriculture. Farm Aid is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to keep family farmers on their land.

John Mellencamp is campaigning to get Willie Nelson a Nobel Peace Prize. The interview took place on SIRIUS XM Willie's Place at Farm Aid 25 in Milwaukee, Wisc.

Thanks everybody for liking Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize page on Facebook!


Willie Nelson Joined by Farm Aid Friends
photo by thrashette
Farm Aid 2019 Concert - Alpine Valley, Wisconsin - Sept 21, 2019
REVIEW: 34 Years of Farm Aid: Where Do We Go From Here


  1. All the best intentions of Farm Aid, Live Aid, Concert For Bangladesh, Labor Day Telethons, Relief Concerts for Natural Disasters, and protests for equality, hunger and Climate Change. Why are they still necessary after all these decades? We just aren’t waking up as a species.

    Apparently humans are just not capable of caring enough. So many of us do care. Passionately. I care. Yet, nothing ever truly changes. Only tiny pockets of change, but still the conflicts continue. Why?

    I have run out of answers and my heart aches for change, yet the conflicts continue. Hate continues.

    As a global community we are just not willing to live with each other in peace. I’m losing hope and it sickens me to the core of my soul.

    Listening to the verses in this song that were written over a decade ago sound more relevant now than they did then. Why?

    I’m losing faith and I’m doing everything in my power to make a difference. “How many more”


  2. Hi Dan - well, as always, thanks for reading, watching & listening. And most importantly, writing and speaking out.

    trust us, you're not alone. we know the feeling all too well. and we hear this sentiment quite a bit in our travels.

    so we'll try and be positive, encouraging & optimistic here. never lose hope or faith or give up and succumb to the negativity and darkness. that's how "they" win.

    frankly, some may have noticed that this blog has mostly disengaged in a lot of the day to day nonsense. we've talked here before about how Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real's new album "Turn Off the News (Build a Garden)", gives us hope in the next generation. Likewise, his brother Micah's song "Everything Is Bullshit".

    These guys get it.

    Yeah, we're tired too. Afterall, look at our blog mission statement: "Separating the wheat from the chaff since 1996."

    Lots & lots of chaff and the intensity and absurdity is accelerating.

    we've blogged quite a bit about Here Comes "The Big Shift".

    like neil, we've been yelling "wake up", "open the tired eyes".

    eyes wide shut no more.

    back when we started this blog 24 years ago, we were out in the wilderness having unsubscribed to rust due to various frictions. frictions such as we see today, where folks who seemingly share similar values are drawn into these pointless divide and conquer schemes by the manipulators.

    that's really the game and why you're feeling this way. they're winning.

    don't play their game.

    while looking back to our response to similar concerns, we found that we wrote this back in 2013:

    "That which tries to kill us only makes us stronger and reinforces our convictions."

    obviously, we've found quite a bit wisdom in neil's music. he's definitely been in this place before many times. but each time he reaches down deep and comes back strong as ever. there are lessons in finding strength.

    although rust (chaff) may never sleep and the wheat tries to stay wide awake, love will never die.


  3. Thanks for staying positive. I won’t give up. We’re in this together.


  4. nice photo, but, are you the colonial highway killer? Lots of great Willie interview in the recent awesome PBS Country Music. I loved his cap too "Pipeline Fighter". Long May He Run.

  5. Dan,

    If you haven't checked out the book ..Enlightenment Now.., by Steven Pinker..try it. It gives some positive reinforcement of the human race.

  6. In addition to a great performance, full of maximum energy and effort, Neil Young's statement at the end of his Farm Aid set was positive and hopeful. Something about - remember tonight at let it be the start of a change for the better. That's one leader that has not given up the fight. Keep the faith.

  7. @ Grey Rider - right, something like "we're here at the beginning of the turnaround".


    Roll Another Number @ 3:50 @

  8. @ Marmooskapaul : Thank you for the recommendation. I’ll look it up and check it out. The positive vibes here are a welcome sign that I’m not the only one struggling.

    When I posted first here I was really in a fragile place. I’m not going to give up on the ideal of one world, one race. Our future depends on it. If not now, when? We all just need to stand up and save our world anyway we can. Big or small steps is all it takes to change our world.

    @ Thrashers: Your positivity was needed at that moment and I sincerely thank you for that. Keep up the good work and keep the faith.


  9. Real interesting , plenty of positive thoughts and gestures to help Americana farmers .

    Mr Earth .... seems to have once again... lost his passion for his homeland ... Oh Canada !
    Wouldn't fit the corporate sponsorship that he's signed up for ... eh ?

    Long live our Gracious Queen .

  10. What really irks me over the years.... like so many others , that listened to Neil in our twenties , thirties , forties and fifties ... is the arrogance in the preaching . I have long since tuned out Mr. Earth's recent music ... as it is less significant , and without meaning anymore , as he is no longer one of us , the everyday common folk .
    I wonder when Neil Young last had to consider doing his laundry , on a sunny day , in order to dry his close on the line , to save a few pennies and save the Earth .
    I don't begrudge a man of his success ... but don't preach to me like you're the all knowing saviour of the Earth ... when you actually don't even have a clue of the everyday choices us common folk make , everyday !

  11. My apology to you Thrasher .
    Having pledged allegiance to my sovereign Queen, in my previous post , In error I mistakenly misspelled a word in the English language .
    That there should've been "clothes" on the line .... eh !
    No excuses of course but at times I find my fingers get stuck on the keypad , heavy with maple syrup after dunking my toast !


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