
Friday, September 20, 2019

LAST CALL - CONTEST: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Photo 16x20 Print - 1969

David Crosby and Neil Young - Music Scene - 1969
Photo by Jeff Allen | InstaGram

Just a reminder of the contest we're running in celebration of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the filming of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young on The Music Scene TV program on Sept. 22, 1969.

Photographer Jeff Allen | InstaGram has generously offered up a free photo print to a Thrasher's Wheat reader.

See this post for details.

Deadline: Sunday, Sept. 22nd, 5PM EST

Don't Be Denied!


  1. I’m out of luck as I don’t do Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media except TW. & Blu Oh well.

  2. I don't have an account of any site,but I do have an email-address.I sent a mail at Jeff.First time I had the wrong email-address,but I had forgotten a number.Jeff reacted and I could explain him which photo I would like to have.Anyway,it can be done without social media...Cees Mostert,Europe.

  3. What a nice surprise I received Friday by the mail.A photograph of Jeff Allen he took of Neil in the television-show in 1969.Really appreciated that.It made my day,lucky me!Thank you very much for this picture.A picture tells more than a thousand words,that's true.Great shot by the way Allen. Cees Mostert -the Netherlands.(No regret I entered the contest,even though I'm not on Facebook or Instagram.Just did it by email.Jeff was a great help.)

  4. Big shoutout to Jeff for the print. What a nice surprise.. made my day as well. Thanks Jeff and thrasher- I’m gonna spread the love.

  5. via email

    I entered Jeff Allen's photo contest and got to speak with him quite a bit. He even emailed a smaller version of the photo I liked! He's awesome.

  6. I was also pleasantly surprised to come home one day to find an 8 x10 print of the photo I selected in the contest. I immediately thought I had won as it didn't dawn on me that the winner was to get a larger print. Thanks Jeff for making me feel like a winner anyway!! great print and great shots on his website - Check him out


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