
Saturday, April 28, 2018

NYCH: Warnor Theater Marqee, Fresno, CA

NYCH - May 1, 2 & 3
Warnor Theater, Fresno, CA
Photo by Mike C. (via HtH)

The marqee at Warnor Theater, Fresno, CA now announces "NYCH".

With new dates being added in Fresno and Bakersfield, it looks like the official band name for the combination of members of Neil Young's bandmates from Crazy Horse and the Santa Monica Flyers is "NYCH". See Neil Young Archives for details on ticket presales.

Bakersfield, May 5 & 6

So whether the band is "Horse of a Different Color" (per Neil), or "Santa Monica Horses", or "Crazy Flyers", it's all one band. These unprecedented "raw, open rehearsal" sessions are rustie fans dream come true.

Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse will perform two concerts in Fresno, CA in May.


  1. Maybe Neil should call the band " A Horse with no Name" that would really confuse the people.

  2. The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;
    The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
    The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
    The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
    Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
    Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
    These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
    this appears as darkness.
    Darkness within darkness.
    The gate to all mystery.

    Laozi (Lao Tzu), in Tao Te Ching Ch. 1, as translated by Gia-Fu Feng & Jane English (1972)
    Namaste, Until we meet in Fresno

  3. Take, for instance, a twig and a pillar, or the ugly person and the great beauty, and all the strange and monstrous transformations. These are all levelled together by Tao. Division is the same as creation; creation is the same as destruction. There is no such thing as creation or destruction, for these conditions are again levelled together into One. Only the truly intelligent understand this principle of the levelling of all things into One. They discard the distinctions and take refuge in the common and ordinary things. The common and ordinary things serve certain functions and therefore retain the wholeness of nature. From this wholeness, one comprehends, and from comprehension, one to the Tao. There it stops. To stop without knowing how it stops – this is Tao.

    Zhuangzi, Chuang-tzu, "On Levelling All Things" (tr. Lin Yutang)

  4. Add in Steven Stills and Richie Furay and Neil could be touring with "The Crazy Buffalo Flyers"! Just saying why stop with just combining the remaining members of the 2 groups, lets make it a super group made up of 3 bands!! Of course I'm only kidding but it would be interesting...

  5. Friends, I have a 6th row ticket for the Wed 5/2 show and I can't make it. I spoke to the venue and the tickets are transferable. I wanted to make this available at my cost to our community here before going out more broadly. If interested please email me at Best, Dan

  6. May 1st concert streaming on NYA
    May 5th first movie night on NYA: Muddy Track
    :) :) :)

  7. @ LP Fonthill - That's really a good one. In fact so good that the suggestion has been added to "Neil Young's Upcoming Gigs: Name That Band Poll" @

    @ Hounds That Howl - nice Tao you got there, our friend that we've always seen.

    What do wee know... names up to nothin'.

    Namaste, Until we meet again, no fear, we are the rain, be the wheat

    @ BigDee1980 - "The Crazy Buffalo Flyers" would be interesting!

    @ Thanks Dan. very cool. bummer but thanks for sharing. feel free to post elsewhere here in coming days. hope you get to make show on the run.

    @ Matt B - the REAL good news just keeps on coming. we always knew our best days were ahead of us ... never behind...

  8. Thanks Thrasher, Neil threw me a life preserver w Bakersfield I'm headed to the Sunday show.

  9. No Poncho means no horse (for me at least).


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