
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Light Up The Blues Concert w/ Stephen Stills, Neil Young + Others: April 21st

Stephen Stills & Neil Young
Light Up The Blues 3rd Annual Concert (2015)
Photo by Jeff Allen
(Click photo to enlarge)

Stephen Stills "Light Up The Blues" is an annual autism awareness benefit concert.

This year's concert will include Neil Young, Sheryl Crow, Burt Bacharch, Judy Collins, Chris Stills, Jack Black, and Christina Applegate. The event's house band will feature a reunion of Tom Petty's Heartbreakers with guitarist Mike Campbell, keyboardist Benmont Tench, drummer Steve Ferrone, bassist Zev Katz, guitarist Kevin McCormick and pianist Russell Walden. The show will be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles on April 21st.

From Stephen Stills Teams Up With Neil Young For Autism Benefit | Rolling Stone by Andy Greene:
"The reason we started Light Up The Blues was out of the void of me not having to be micromanaging Henry so much, as he was finally in a good place," Stills' wife Krisen tells Rolling Stone. "Stephen and I wanted to give back to families that don’t have time and resources to make their kid's life a full-time job with lots of overtime."

Last year was the first time they didn't hold a concert since they started the organization. "Neil [Young] stopped by our house one day last year," says Krisen. "He said, 'Stephen, man, we gotta do Light Up The Blues again.'" Stills couldn't have agreed more. "He said, 'Look, I'm out of the Bridge School. And now it's over to you,'" says Stephen. "I watched how he did the Bridge School benefits and I got great lessons from it."
Information on tickets here.

More on Light Up The Blues 4th Annual (2016) Concert w/ Stephen Stills, Neil Young + Others.

More on 2015 Light Up The Blues 3rd Annual Concert (photos, videos, reviews, etc.).


  1. Apparently Neil Young has played more benefit concerts than…. anyone else. Pete Seeger hit more countries, but at least Neil hit my country. I have been so blessed to see Neil play live around 20x and several times at the Bridge school Benefit. What a great songwriter and Environmentalist Warrior we have in Neil Young. God, just the news that a new album is "in the can" and that a tour is planned with PotR, sends me over the moon! Show up anywhere in the Pacific Northwest and I will be there, on the rail. "Bring it on." It's a new day for the planet, as 100's of thousands march in opposition to Trump. Perhaps they will even wake up and realize the 2 party American system is a huge Con. The power behind the throne doesn't care whether its Dems or Repubs in the White House. Its business as usual with endless War. Obama bombed 7 countries in his final year in office without declaring war. That's how we roll in the US and everyone is watching football. And to think we once fought a revolution.

    Who's Gonna Stand Up & Save the Earth?

    -Alan in Seattle

  2. Thanks Alan in Seattle!

    Right, Neil's played over 50 benefits with just Bridge School and Farm Aid concerts. Plus some of the biggest benefits of all times, including LiveAid, Live 8 & 9-11. In terms of performances and audience reach, it would be fair to say that Neil is right near the tops of humanitarians with a cause.

    see full listing @

    We know Who's Gonna Stand Up & Save the Earth!

    @WBKM - great to see you in 2018! Have a happy new year!


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