Neil Young's latest tweet indicated he will perform live somewhere in Canada on December 1.
December 1 will be a very, very big day for Neil fans. On December 1, the new album ‘The Visitor’ by Neil Young + Promise of the Real will be released. Also, the Neil Young Online Archives will launch.
Here is what we know thus far:
- There will be a once in a lifetime “Neil comes home” acoustic concert next Friday (Dec. 1) at 8 p.m. (ET)
- Concert titled Somewhere In Canada
- Venue is yet-to-be-determined
- Audience size of about 200
- Concert will be live streamed in Canada on
- Podcast on iHeartRadio “Secret Sessions”
- Approximately 90-minute concert
- Somewhere In Canada is being produced by Bell Media
- Director will be Daryl Hannah, in partnership with Shakey Pictures
- Reportedly holds on a number of venues across Canada
- The evening will have an acoustic campfire vibe, with couches and chairs for a cozy, intimate setting
Neil Young + Promise of the Real new album "The Visitor" is to be released on December 1. Pre-order here
(Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link
Might be worth mentioning that the concert will also be live-streamed worldwide on Facebook, for those of us who don't happen to live in Canada. (Or are you still sore at them?)
ReplyDeleteDirectorial debut!
ReplyDeleteC'mon people, wake up...wake up. Where has everyone gone?
ReplyDeleteNeil is releasing a new album and launching an archives web-site next Friday.
Oh, and by the way he's also playing and streaming an intimate acoustic show from Canada.
He's looking back, he's living in the moment and he's looking forward. Surely there's something for almost everyone here to like, so, please share your thoughts, expectations, hopes and/or memories.
I want to hear from you.
So again, a basic question to ponder:
Do you prefer living in the past with Neil and his music?
or living in the moment with Neil and his new music and fascination(s)?
or looking forward with Neil?
or is it all one moment and we have all been here before?
or are you no longer passionate?
C'mon, let's keep the words and thoughts flowing. Yesterday's gone but remembered fondly; today is here and I'm thankful; and tomorrow promises good things to come..
"Take my advice
don't listen to me"
Thanks for the motivation Topanga. I've loved Neil long as I can remember. I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Newfoundland dreaming of one day seeing him live. Finally got to do that in 2007 at Massey Hall. What a show. Blew me away. $227 for one ticket and worth every penny. Then I bonded with my oldest son through Neil. Took him to.his first Neil concert at the age of 6. Poor guy slept through the last half of the show but another wonderful memory. Took him to the Honor the Treaties show at Massey Hall a few years back. So incredible to be that close to Neil in that venue. On the Psychedelic Pill tour I could only afford one ticket so I was going alone. But as luck would have it I won 2 tickets on the radio. Sold the single ticket to a friend and got to take my boy one more time. That show was phenomenal and the Horse was rocking.
ReplyDeleteMy boy is now 15 and we still talk about Neil every single day. We live about 3hrs from Omemee and I'd give anything to go to that show. But with my financial situation being what it is and the uncertainty about the location I've resigned myself to watching online. But my son and I love Neil whether it be past, present or future. And we both hope it's a very long future. With so many of our famous entainers going away recently we want to enjoy every Neil moment that we can while we can.
We love you Neil.
Justin and Austin Wells
Guelph Ontario
Long May You Run
@ Babbo - thanks for noting. No, we're no longer sore at FB. Turns out that was the best thing that ever happened to TW being suspended. While our traffic and comments have since plummeted, the quality ratio of comments as gone up by a 10X factor.
ReplyDeleteTurns out FB sent a lot of traffic our way looking for nothing but trouble. Better off down that road with out that load.
@Art - quite an opportunity. Wishing her all the best of luck.
@ TopangaD - Some good questions there.
@ Shakey - thanks for sharing the stories. Great experiences bonding with your son over music. wonderful.
Good luck on upcoming concert. Maybe there will some random drawing you can enter?
Don't Be Denied!
A random draw or any opportunity would be amazing. Don't Be Denied indeed
DeleteDec 1st is a massive date - not only do we get a new album but a new version of the Archives. While I'd prefer another physical box set i'm still very keen to see what lies within.
ReplyDeleteAnd another new album brings the possibility of another tour down here in Australia - we came very close to having Neil here at Easter this year for Bluesfest - let's see what 2018 brings.
Last time in 2013 we got the Horse for the Alchemy tour - the gig I saw felt like a dream - their second song of night was LOVE TO BURN!!!! (played for the first time in 10 years)
Two songs later we got a transcendental Walk like a Giant complete with Dead Man-esque freak out ending. It felt like seeing Dylan on the Time Out of Mind tour - an artist supposedly decades on from their peak blowing the audience's mind!!!
For us down under less in more has always been the state of play - each tour carries a lot of weight, the promise of the special (and the real)
THanks Thrasherswheat for such a great site (the cheque's been sent!!)
@Andrew: Will be interesting to see the format for the online archives (which sounds basically the same as what was used for the Vol. 1 Blu-ray), but wouldn't get my hopes up about too much in the way of surprises on Dec. 1 - Neil has said it will be previously released material, so Homegrown and Dume and all the other stuff we've been salivating over for Vol. 2 will come later (long after the free trial period has ended, I presume). Still could be fun to explore the info card details for the officially released post-Vol. 1 stuff for photos/videos etc.
ReplyDeleteDecember is christmastime. There is something holy about this, Three gifts from our wiseman. Lucas N says he thinks this is the best Neil Young record in 20 years. I am passionate.
ReplyDeleteNeil posted another photo on Twitter next to a railcar and tumbleweed wearing a Winnipeg shirt. Talked about heading up north.
ReplyDeleteExciting! But I still want the Blu ray box! Alan in Seattle
ReplyDelete"The Visitor" streaming here:
ReplyDeleteI've casually listened on my computer and with the volume fairly low, but so far, I really like what I'm hearing. "Almost Always" is a pretty song with interesting and poignant lyrics with a tune and melody that's more than a little soothing and familiar.
ReplyDelete"Change of Heart" has a level of lyricism and interesting Neil "strangeness" that's a little reminiscent of parts of On the Beach, Greendale and Sleeps with Angels.
There seems to be good musical variety throughout and charming quirkiness and the lyrics seem surreal and creative. I'm Listening to "Carnival" now, and wow, it's unique, and I'm saying that as a compliment, not a put down!
Here's a snippet of how NPR describes the album:
Viewed one way, the album amounts to a diverse compendium of tactics an artist might employ to express complex emotions (disbelief, fear, betrayal) upon discovering, as Young puts it on "Stand Tall," that one's way of life has been "turned upside down." In the months since the election, pop culture pundits have talked about the response to Trump from the arts, usually in the form of general questions like "Where are the protest songs?" Neil Young weaves the rhetoric of protest into the stanzas of The Visitor — "Already Great" ends with the galvanizing chant "Whose streets? Our streets!" — and a few songs about man's stewardship of nature certainly meet the basic definition of protest music.
But the work as a whole addresses itself more broadly, to the rifts and resentments and underlying conditions that gave rise to this president; its tense dissonances and vitriolic refrains reflect the sordid freak-show surreality of this moment in history. It's not any kind of definitive statement on the age of Trump — more like a quick scan across a ravaged landscape, made by someone with a shaky hand who can't quite believe what he sees.
I'm still listening to "Carnival" and while it represents parts of Neil's music through the years, it's also something quite unlike anything I've ever heard from him. It has elements of "Eldorado" in it, but expands beyond it musically and creatively into its own world. It's really pulling me in more than anything I've heard in recent years!
Okay, I'll keep listening and post my thoughts later, but so far, this album is shaping up as a positive head scratcher to my ears. I'm already looking forward to replaying "Carnival" and it hasn't ended yet...
"Take my advice
don't listen to me"
Thanks Tope. Look forward to reading more.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna try to wait until the release date, but enjoy a little review.
Hey Topanga love hearing the thoughts and emotions that Neil's music evokes in others. Your running review has me very excited to hear the rest of the album. I could listen now but I need to be alone and give it the full attention that new Neil music deserves. Sure hope that's soon. These past few weeks have really exploded with a whole lot of Neil news. Here's to hoping that year off has created a rejuvenated Neil that has lots in store for all of us.
ReplyDeleteI think part of the lull in traffic may have been Thanksgiving holiday in the US.
ReplyDeleteCan hardly wait for The Visitor and Somewhere in Canada. I'm listening to the NPR first listen stream now... impressions will follow.
As to this tease, I assume the image captured above is, at most, a partial set list under construction. If so it is, very exciting (A Dream that Can Last!), but seemingly not full concert length.
Note, also, an arrow that may be reversing Love is a Rose and When I Watch You Sleeping in the running order. That's if I'm reading correctly. And I'm pleased Neil is still enthusiastic for Storytone material. That album, for me, showed real signs of artistic renaissance.
This is for Scott
ReplyDeleteAs you may have heard, Scott McCaughey had a stroke while on tour with Alejandro Escovedo and he has been in ICU in San Fran for the past few days. I hope he gets better real soon and can get back home...if not, I'll be in the Bay Area for Christmas and it's my greatest wish to stop by for a visit, but I'm sure that I'll be waiting in a long, long line.
Scott might be the nicest person I've ever met who is also an honest to God Rock and Roll star. I bought him a beer at the Mohawk Tavern and watched him rock out to the Spaminato Brothers a few years later when they opened for The Baseball Project. Also (of course) the epic Monster tour with REM back in '95. Tried to find my favorite Scott song Sometimes I Dream of Willie Mays (me too!) but for some reason it's now missing from YouTube.
So I'm hoping that Scott gets better real, real soon. This has been the worst year of my life and hearing the news about Scott was the cherry on the crap Sundae. But he has so many friends and fans, sounds like he's doing better, and I sure hope there's some good news to close out this most painful year. Here are a couple of clips, and feel free to search out the links for helping him out with his medical expenses (they raised a ton of $$ and I'm thinking Scott has a lot of friends).
And this (and everything else I do) is for Jeffrey....
Revolution Blues
ReplyDeleteBonjour de Paris
How to capture the concert of December 1 Neil Young from Paris, France on computer or mobile or radio? thank you