
Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Neil Young Fan Practices Public Speaking

So here's what happens when a Neil Young fan practices public speaking.

Here's our long time buddy Jeffry Ullman telling the famous "MORE BARN" story. (More on More Barn! page.)

Jeff tells us what he learned from the feedback:
1. What do you do with your hands (i.e. force yourself to keep them by your side)
2. Not to say "um"
Thanks Jeffry! Also, Jeffry is the founder of the Global Neil Young Professional Society LinkedIn Group, as well as, long time Bridge School supporter.

Thanks for all you do Jeffry for Neil fans. But mostly for The Kids. Because it's all about the kids, afterall, right?


  1. No need to be mean there Andy. I thought it was a nice story and well delivered.

    He had me at the word 'Neil'.

  2. Is it essential not to have a sense of humour to be on here ?

    1. Oh yeah, you're hilarious. I'm sure the guy doing the public speaking laughed too.

  3. Well Andy, it just seems your sense of humor is wrapped in more of a critical cynical tone. That's all well and good and it has its place, but to many people, humor isn't about tearing everything and everyone down.

    I know at times you've posted positive comments and at one time you liked and respected Neil and his music. But you have chosen to present a predominantly dark side to convey your truth. Again, you're entitled to your opinions and "humor" and I encourage you to keep on posting.

    So, in closing, regarding your posts and humor here, in keeping with your comment on this topic, I'd say:

    Hmm, More Balance...

    "Take my advice
    Don't listen to me"


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