
Thursday, October 06, 2016

Tucson, AZ: Neil Young + Promise Of The Real - October 6, 2016

Neil Young + Promise Of The Real will perform tonight in Tucson, AZ, October 6.

These concerts are "warm ups"* for the big Desert Trip Festival in October when Neil Young + Promise Of The Real will open for Paul McCartney.

Got a report? Drop us a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

Also, see Neil Young + Promise of the Real 2016 Concert Tour Dates for reviews, photos, videos and more.

* Actually, Neil and the REAL are hot and ready to go -- nothing to warm up about as our friend Ken has pointed out.


  1. What a great photo of Lukas and the wooden Indian. Lukas Nelson is a powerhouse. No wonder he likes hanging out with Neil!

  2. Ya, exactly. If this is warming up, look out, Paul McArtney. The warmup band is gonna blow his shit out of the water. I do love the Beatles, of course. Paul's solo material didn't always do much for me. Macca has got a tough act to follow. This is gonna be like following Hendrix at Monterey Pop!

  3. So there is a new album in the making, eh? These songs sound fascinating. Our man and his band have taken a new turn. The songs sound keen-edged and crisp. The man has been listening to his band well; this is what they're good at (and it's how I like him best). I must confess that I am more curious now than at previous anticipations of new work. You bloody lucky transatlanters, have fun with the shows. Although the prices for Indio are ludicrous, I hope Young and his Promise blow the roof off. Cheers to all.

  4. AWRIGHT NEIL!! Hitting the desert in my old Collegetown of Tucson. The third show ever for the city. I hope the dust and green diesal found you in good voice and free form all night! If there was ever a chance for the folks to say 'Show Me' I hope they did last night.

  5. Flew down to Tucson on Tuesday with my wife to get a few days away from the office and to catch Neil and the Promise of the Real.
    Well, there was no disappointment from our seats.
    Great venue. It is a mini-Bridge School set up with 5,000 capacity compared to Mountain Views 25,000.
    Wonderful sound system and I must say the people of Tucson are very friendly.
    Neil was in fine form. He did his usual five or so acoustic songs before POTR hit the stage and the whole feel just lifted up another notch.
    The band were tight and having a ton of fun. Lots of smiling on stage.
    Most of the new songs are excellent. One called "John Oakes", I believe was it's debut, talked of an unwarranted police shooting. Very strong, powerful words by Neil.
    One member of the audience was very upset with the theme of the song and booed very loudly calling Neil an asshole loud enough for the whole venue to hear. Neil just moved on.
    This led into a great version of Hey Hey My My(out of the black), to the best version of RITFW I have had the pleasure and of seeing live,
    (Wonderful guitar solo,by Lucas). The encore started with a passionate Indian Givers and what I thought would be a great finish with Cortez! However, the band burst into Cinnamon Girl to wrap it up!
    A wonderful night!
    Two young guys ( in their twenties) sitting behind me said " I don't know how old Neil is, but he inspires me".
    On our way out of the venue I heard another person say, "well it looks like Neil wore out the band".
    Great fun. As Neil said at the end "Thank you Tucson!!
    Murray Davidson
    Hello to the NewbYorker from Staen Island we met at sound check.
    Hope you had a great time and safe trip home.

  6. NEIL and POTR improve with every gig they play! A fantastic show and well worth my trip from Staten Island, NY. Tuneup indeed...a great venue, sound system was awesome and very nice people in the pit and everywhere else around Tucson. I'll always buy Pit tickets for as long as I can, just love being close up to the stage. It was a much better idea to see NEIL here and not in Indio (although, I would have bought Desert Trip on pay-per-view). A Great show with 24 songs for close on almost 3 hours of non-stop NEIL. All the songs were outstanding and LAOL was my favorite of the incredible rendition. Would love to find this show on a soundboard recording!
    He's unveiled some strong new material at these shows. Hope a new album is released ASAP. But, who knows.
    Special hello to Murray and his lovely wife I met at the sound check. Have a safe journey home. I'm in the desert as I write this and headed to the airport shortly. Hope we meet up again...Don't Be Denied!

  7. I agree with Murray and Stills. The Tucson show was one of the best I have experienced. We were once again privileged to be at the rail, this time in front of Lukas which worked out great for seeing the entire band and Neil,s facial expressions. I agree completely about LAOL. It's kind of lengthy and a bit indulgent but it's just so darn good. I do believe last night was the best performance of that song I have experienced. I also think the new songs are very strong. I had seen most of the new ones at the Telluride shows: Neighborhood (Hang Gliders), Show Me, Texas Rangers -which has really grown on me-, and Peace Trail are all very good songs with good lyrics and messages. John Oakes was just something else. I will describe it as like Greendale only better. I cannot help but think that Neil Young is the only artist going into Desert Trip with strong, new relevant material. I mean the audience is really into the new ones. There was quite a cheer during Show Me when Neil sang the line about womens' rights. Powerful stuff.

    Expecting To Fly

  8. By saying the song John Oakes was something else I really meant other-worldly. It is a great song with a strong story and message.

    Expecting To Fly (I should re-read my posts before hitting send)

  9. Did anybody notice that Woody, our favorite wooden stage totem, was dressed in a Burka?

  10. Thanks Murray & Stills & all for the reviews and comments.

    Another amazing night.

    And great to see you Expecting To Fly. When you say this concert was one Neil's best, we know that is really saying something for someone who goes to seeing Neil all the back in 1973.

    Yep, Paul has a tough act to follow... of course, we're really looking for the "surprise" appearance. Will Paul join Neil? Or will Neil join Paul?

    Or maybe, just maybe, both. We're such a dreamin' man...

  11. Thanks Thrasher. My first show was Nov 6, 1976 and Tucson was my 80th show, but who's counting? Haha. (thanks Really, I feel incredibly fortunate and thankful to have attended the shows that I have. One thing my wife and I have been noticing is that Neil Young fans are fantastic no matter how long they have been listening. We were next to one couple who were first timers. And another really cool dude who sees him occasionally but who's wife isn't into Neil. Their experiences were special to them and are no less important than mine.

    Expecting To Fly


  12. "...Soily! Soily! That cat in the black hat says it's OILY!"

    Now that would be something.

  13. Hello Stills,
    Near the end of the concert in Tucson, Neil picked up and moved a large rectangular shaped cardboard piece.
    Not sure if it was a set list or printout of lyrics? Any idea what it was from your vantage point on the rail?
    Also, loved the "senior" Neil fan with the hat and cane. We saw him in line at willcall. The cane was acting like a fist pump flying in the air to the beat.
    He stood and danced for the full concert and had to retire to a seat in the front row after the last song, exhausted, but delighted in what he had just witnessed.
    I hoped you had a safe trip home to Staten Island.
    We spent the day in the desert yesterday and are now sitting in the Phoenix airport heading home to the first snowfall of the year in our mountain home in British Columbia, Canada.
    Take care,

    1. Murray,
      It was a piece of carpet he put over a light that was shinning in his eyes.
      Was next to the old man with the cane....twas a bit annoying, he kept hitting peeps with it.
      Must say "John Oakes" worked for me. Caught the last few moments on video, didn't realize it was new.... so intent on listening to words couldn't make up my mind to embrace it or record it. The 20 minute LAOL jam was spectacular!!
      Went to Neil and POTR in Vienna back in July....thought that was a good show....the Tucson show was one of the best that I've seen!!

  14. Hey Joe,
    Thanks for clearing up the "carpet" question. As well, my wife wondered if that cane was going to be a weapon to watch out for!!
    Made it home safe and sound. Cold here and wishing I was back in the Tucson sun.
    After comparing the set lists for Tucson and the Desert, it looks like we made a good decision going with the smaller venue!
    I think that was the best Neil with a backing band concert I have seen. Still on a high.
    If you are coming out Western Canada way, let me know.

  15. Murray,
    Shoot me an

  16. I'm the man who was the senior Neil fan with hat and cane Murray Davidson!


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