The impact of Neil Young + Promise Of The Real's recent album The Monsanto Years continues to resonate and reverberate around the world as the 2nd Leg of Rebel Content Tour rolls along the West Coast of the North American continent.
As we approach the harvesting season, the latest news indicates ever mounting woes and desperation at Monsanto corporation following earlier setbacks.
In the latest bad news for Monsanto, the world’s largest nation, the Russian Federation, has formally declared all commercial planting of Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs, to be prohibited. Furthermore, two thirds of EU states have rejected GMO crops and filed cultivation opt-out requests:
Two thirds of EU states have requested to be allowed to ban the growing of genetically modified crops in their countries, choosing the “opt-out” clause of a European Commission rule that allows members to override EU-wide GMO approvals.And if that news isn't bad enough for Monsanto -- it gets even worse. It has now been revealed that Monsanto funded university professors are whoring themselves out as mainstream media journalists.
Nineteen European Union member states have requested opt-outs from the acculturation of genetically-modified crops for all or part of their territory, the European Commission announced.
These Monsanto prostitutes pretending to be journalists write for The Washington Post, New York Times, Discover, Slate, Nature and various "science" websites. Many of them openly admit to being paid by Monsanto and gladly accepting the money. Then they turn around and write stories attacking clean food activists or hawking whatever GMO propaganda Monsanto is pushing that day.

The Monsanto Years - Neil Young + Promise Of The Real
(Click here to enlarge/zoom)
Also, see The Impact of The Monsanto Years Continues to Resonate: California Just Announced It Will Label Roundup as Cancer Causing and Corporate Food, Will It Make You Fat and Sick?
Scum. I wonder if the other organisations such as synergy, Bayer do the same crap?
ReplyDeleteScum. I wonder if the other organisations such as synergy, Bayer do the same crap?