Neil Young, at a news conference yesterday with David Suzuki, announced that $100,000 from his Vancouver concert will be donated to the Blue Dot campaign. The goal of the Suzuki Foundation campaign is to have the right to a healthy environment enshrined in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
From The Globe and Mail:
“I think it’s pretty obvious a lot of people are upset about what’s going on in Canada today,” Mr. Young told reporters in Vancouver on Monday when asked about the campaign. “I’m not happy about Canada’s endless search for a drop of oil; I am not happy about the backwards leadership that is looking over its shoulder at what used to be and trying to make it happen again. I think that it’s sad that Canada’s leadership is so irresponsible. It’s tragic.”
“The true north strong and free; [it’s] a pretty amazing situation – when you think about Canada and Canada’s history in the world, what a great country this is and how many amazing resources we have – how recent leadership has trashed what we have and made it such a negative thing and given Canada such a negative image on the planet among forward-looking countries. It’s a tragedy to see what this government has been able to do,” he said.
“Canada used to be a leader and Canada used to be known as a company – as a country – that was a Freudian slip,” he said, “with a conscience. And this leadership is ... just backwards. They’re not looking towards the future of the world. They’re not looking towards what we have to do. We have to take care of the planet.”
“We’re just digging a huge hole; like that hole in Alberta,” said Mr. Young, 69, clearly referring to the oil sands. “We’re digging a huge hole and we’re going to have to dig our way back out of it because all our children are going to be at the bottom of that hole. … Twenty years from now, the economy is going to be trashed because of what we’re doing.”
Neil Young and David Suzuki weigh in on federal politics @georgiastraight -
— Rural Living Canada (@RuralLiv) October 6, 2015
Comments following article and donation announcement were met with general hostility by Canadians.
This highly rated comment by David Gibson is a somewhat typical reaction:
"Neil has spent his entire adult life counting his money on his California ranch. Occasionally he travels to Canada to lecture and admonish the peasants who are stupid enough not to be rich rock stars.It would seem that many Canadians are less than grateful for Mr Young's generosity and concern for his home country of Canada. Now why would that be?
He long ago ceased to be Canadian in anything but legal status."
Maybe Canadians just want to hear songs about love or something?

In addition, Neil Young has launched a website to help rescue the planet.
Earlier this year, Neil Young announced his support for the Vermont Food Label Law with another $100,000 donation.

Who's Going To Stand Up and Save The Earth?
Neil Young
2014-07-12, Hyde Park, London, England
Photo Paolo Brillo |Facebook
That Neil Young... what a Humanitarian Rebel With Causes.
Love it Neil! Way to put your money where your mouth is! The timing is great too, we've got an October 19th federal election - maybe this press will get some of the candidates talking about the environment and our future - or even just something that's relevant to most Canadians. I'm not sure how many Canadians are affected by not being allowed to cover their faces in the citizenship ceremony - but I bet a heck of a lot more of us are affected by air quality - too bad all our current leaders want to talk about is the former and not the latter.
ReplyDeleteNeil, I don't always agree with you but I love the fact that you're raising relevant issues and keeping them top of mind for all of us. Don't be Denied!
I love it too Neil! My thoughts exactly Tom.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see someone bring this up during the election campaign. David Suzuki has some really great ideas. I would without a doubt give my vote to any party who included Blue Dot in their campaign.
Just a little worried that is too late, that previous governments here have created a culture where the 'economy' trumps all other issues.
Oh Canada!,
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea. Your neighbors to the South should have the right to a healthy environment added to the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Maybe at least change FDR's four freedoms to five.
Saw on a previous post that September Song was covered recently. Was that performed with the whole band? Lukas, not Neil did the singing? Look forward to hearing that new rendition of an 80 year old song.
Cool interview w Luke on playing w Neil and other stuff:
Neil Young is really sticking it to the Idiot Fascist Oil Co. Whores like Stephen Harper. What a horrible set of anti-Environmental Policies his Gov't has cooked up. They are Nazi Thugs, essentially, squelching Environmental Protest, and not giving a Damn about Mother Earth. These guys don't love the Land, Canada. They are ignorant Pawns, talking heads from Hell, really. Neil Young has got huge Balls. I applaud his Courage to Tell it like it IS! Time is too short to stick our heads in the sand and Plunder every last ounce of Carbon Fuel out of the ground. This is a destructive path which leads to deplorable living conditions for the next generation and those to come. Stephen Harper will be thought of as the Devil to future generations of Canadians, as the Earth burns and the weather goes haywire. Neil Young is the voice of reason in an otherwise sparsely covered topic. Neil Young is trying to make a difference. I knew when I paid a high price for a ticket in Seattle that he was up to something with a Charity. I told my wife. Sure as shit, he goes Green, putting his $ where his mouth is. A Rock Star Bucks a Fu*k Up! Alan in Seattle
ReplyDeleteIf Mr Earth , lived , paid taxes , and had the privilege of voting in Canada , he would have a voice like the rest of us .
ReplyDeleteUntil then , he is but another self serving , righteous American preaching to the common man , the every day people ....... the people who in their millions have burned less oil in a lifetime than Mr Earth burns on rock star tour .
Get Real .... Long Live our Gracious Queen
Long Live the Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper ...... Eh !