
Thursday, October 08, 2015

Concert Photo of the Morning: Neil Young + Promise of the Real, Vancouver, BC, Oct. 5, 2015

"Hold Back The Tears"
Neil Young + Promise of the Real - Vancouver, BC, Oct. 5, 2015
Photo by Joseph Boltrukiewicz | Straight
(Click photo to enlarge)

Your Concert Photo of this Morning Moment is Neil Young + Promise of the Real in concert at Roger's Arena, Vancouver, BC, on Oct. 5, 2015 by Joseph Boltrukiewicz | Straight.

Note the elaborate stage effects (when clicking to enlarge image above) at bottom of frame -- actual real, live flowers. Nice.

And a comment of the moment from Terry, who said...
I've been to many NY concerts over the last 40+ years, and this one ranks at No. 3 all time, right behind his solo tour and the original Rust Never Sleeps tour. Neil is clearly re-energized by the youthful vigor of POTR; he's having fun. He's not carrying this band; they are punchy and in-sync on their own, thanks to a crisp drummer and a high-energy bassist. And Neil again has another lead guitarist with whom he can trade distinctive licks, reminiscent of exchanging riffs with Stephen Stills.

The set list was well designed, starting with some solo acoustic greatest hits (Heart of Gold, Comes A Time), gently adding in the band with calmer old/new material (Human Highway, Wolf Moon), then gradually amping it up with a smart blend of rocking classics (Alabama, Southern Man) and Monsanto Years songs (Big Box).

Neil was powerful, clear and energetic, as if rediscovering songs with a fresh set of bandmates. Old songs sounded familiar, but brighter. New songs sounded much stronger than the album versions. If Neil decides to continue this partnership with POTR, they could probably keep up with him for another 20 years.
Thanks Terry! Number 3 in 2015 ain't too shabby for a guy pushing 70, eh?

And a comment of the moment from Alan in Seattle, who said...
Neil Young is really sticking it to the Idiot Fascist Oil Co. Whores like Stephen Harper.

What a horrible set of anti-Environmental Policies his Gov't has cooked up. They are Nazi Thugs, essentially, squelching Environmental Protest, and not giving a Damn about Mother Earth. These guys don't love the Land, Canada. They are ignorant Pawns, talking heads from Hell, really. Neil Young has got huge Balls.

I applaud his Courage to Tell it like it IS! Time is too short to stick our heads in the sand and Plunder every last ounce of Carbon Fuel out of the ground. This is a destructive path which leads to deplorable living conditions for the next generation and those to come. Stephen Harper will be thought of as the Devil to future generations of Canadians, as the Earth burns and the weather goes haywire. Neil Young is the voice of reason in an otherwise sparsely covered topic.

Neil Young is trying to make a difference.

I knew when I paid a high price for a ticket in Seattle that he was up to something with a Charity. I told my wife. Sure as shit, he goes Green, putting his $ where his mouth is. A Rock Star Bucks a Fu*k Up!

Alan in Seattle
Thanks Alan in Seattle! A Rock Star Bucks a Fu*k Up! And right there in Seattle's face, no less. btw, you may be interested in this latest Monsanto news.

We know who's standing up in Seattle. And Portland, too. Well, we only harvest some -- being the miners for a heart of gold that we are. are you passionate? have you ever been experienced? the rebel content walks on... the hour is getting late...

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