
Sunday, November 16, 2014

▶ Neil Young Speaks Out Against Pipeline and Tar Sands in CANADA

Earlier this year, Neil Young launched the "Honor The Treaties" tour and spoke out against the Tar Sands Pipeline in Canada.

Speaking with David Suzuki at Massey Hall, Toronto on Jan 12, 2014.

As the issue continues to heat up, we know who's gonna stand up ... and we know who the sitters are as well.

Who's gonna stand up and save the earth?
Who's gonna say that she's had enough?
Who's gonna take on the big machine?
Who's gonna stand up and save the earth?
This all starts with you and me!

It's up to you & me now...


  1. Is this a lesson too late for the learning?

    "Canada must slow down tar sands development, clean up the environmental problems, implement a national carbon tax, improve the regulatory and monitoring regime, and make sure that Canadians are reaping their fair share of the revenues. We must also start taking clean energy seriously. Rather than subsidizing the tar sands and all the fossil fuel industry through massive tax breaks, we should be investing in energy technologies that will benefit our health, economy, and climate." ~ David Suzuki

    God, I hope not. We've been down this road one too many times extracting fossil fuels from our dear Mother Earth creating nothing but a toxicity mutating our genetics. I don't understand what it will take before people stop believing what their government is telling them and begin looking at the alarming statistics of health hazards resulting in extracting and refining fossil fuels for energy consumption.

    God Bless you, David!

  2. Thanks MNOTR.

    You know what it will take for many folks to wake up? Well, there's an old Native American saying"

    "When all the trees have been cut down,
    when all the animals have been hunted,
    when all the waters are polluted,
    when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
    only then will you discover you cannot eat money."

    That's when folks wake up ... when it's too late...

  3. "I think it is the rule that people inevitably destroy what they do not understand.” ~ Wendall Berry

  4. Both Canada and the US desperately need a carbon tax, not only to attempt to include the entire price of fossil fuel extraction (and thereby make other sources of energy more economically viable) but to fund many things we have neglected, including our aging infrustructure. You will never be able to address the supply side (extraction, transportation - i.e. mining/pumping and pipelines/rail) unless you work on the demand side. We should all, individually, do our part but real action must be collective and it must be governmental.

  5. Nice to see you OB-wan. By governmental, you mean by the people, for the people. The challenge remains providing education opportunities so people can make informed decisions. Unfortunately, too many people rely on the subjective rather than objective viewpoints. Most people don't know the difference. Suzuki's message has been pretty clear from the beginning. If we want to win the hearts and minds of people to bring about change, we need to unite all the environmental groups & clean and sustainable industries into a political base for one sole purpose. Then you have to go door to door in the heartland with a simple message like what David proposed in 2010:

    1. Slow down tar sands because it's poisoning our children and environment. 2. Clean up the toxins 3. Stiff regulations and penalties. 4. Partner with clean/renewable alternatives to allow options for people.

    People will always choose clean and efficiency when they are given a choice which is why there is so much money riding on not giving people a choice.

  6. Who is going to stand up to those that point fingers without solutions ?
    Discussion by those that are of pure science and not popular opinion , often mention the need for humans to decrease their energy requirements from Mother Earth . A part of the solution .
    I use four strong winds to dry my laundry . An opinion from a working grunt who has learned to see through the bullshit .
    How may cars does Neil drive , and how many shares in BC Oil does Suzuki receive yearly dividends ?
    In a free world , to preach is a right protected , in a free world , to question the integrity of the preachers is also protected .
    Old Ways ...... Eh

  7. Here's a cover of 'Who's Gonna Stand Up?' that my band did! Spread it around along with Neil's and everyone else's version! We need to make this song heard!


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