
Saturday, January 12, 2013

2005 TV Interview with Neil Young

A really great interview with Neil Young was broadcast on television in Sweden in 2005.

"My idea of perfection is imperfection."
In the interview, Neil is asked to comment on his impressive discography. He calls the Ditch period album Tonight's The Night a "personal favorite -- but not a big seller".

At one point, Neil tosses his entire catalog into the air to demonstrate how ephemeral his whole career has been.

In a separate video clip, Neil discusses the Archives project and how selections were made based on ratings by valued listeners.

(Also, note the bag on the table. This looks like the same bag Neil performed with on Saturday Night Live in 2000.)

More interviews with Neil Young.

Thanks to Lou, Mike, BNB, HwyCDRrev & all else who sent the links!


  1. What a great piece...thanks for posting!

    Tami C. (SandCowgirl)

  2. Public service media takes you the longer path, just like NY takes you all the way to Greendale. At least for those able to open up, focus and challenge preconceptions (which the Swedish educational system used to back up, before neo-liberals started selling it away). Great program, though I'm not sure NY thinks so - he makes it really hard on the interviewer, in my opinion...

  3. This is great, we finally get to hear Neil's opinion on his body of work, and i totally agree w/ Neil. It validates your fanship, knowing Neil's favorites are your favorites. Especially Greendale, I feel so lucky to have seen this amazing performance twice!

  4. new interyuw this summer after Peace and Love

  5. I liked that statment about Greendale that it makes 5 or 6 more records possible. That album obvioulsy stands out to Neil for it's uniqueness among them all. The storyline, the 'larger' message and that it confounded the fans. He is right, you can't give everbody everything they want all the time. There would be no satisfaction of anything at that point (see child rearing 101 for explanation). An interesting concept to an interview to have him review his work in order of it's release. Also, if not mistaken, I think this is before the brain aneurysm. Neil was changed by that in his look and in his delivery. Great post. Neil is very candid with his feelings throughout this interview.

  6. Tonight's the Night has always been my favourite. I have hoped Mr Young has a master recording of the Bristol concert or another or even the the tape David Briggs referred to with all the studio banter and that he would release it. That period is just so on the edge and INTO the black. Thanks Neil look forward to seeing you in Wellington New Zealand.

  7. Wow hold on - back up and slow down!

    Thrasher - this interview is priceless on many levels (as I'm sure you realize). Just the fact that the Swedish interviewer got Neil & Elliot to AGREE to going through his catalog like that on camera is mind-blowing to us die-hard fans!

    I agree with SONY that Neil's overall countenance changed somewhat after the operations in 2005. However, his passion is relentless and evident to this day.

    I love the fact that he pauses and almost defiantly defends Greendale for being what it is - a masterpiece. He may not be able to self-edit much - but Neil knows damn well when he has a gem on his hands (or on tape).

  8. Thanks!!! classic, classic interview, really cool ...

    I love when he picks up Greendale and says, "a lot of people are lost with this" ... then a pregnant pause, then he continues, "that's good" ...

    its priceless just candid Neil ... really enjoyed this one, thanks for sharing Thrasher!

  9. I was fortunate to attend Greendale on 7/4/2003 at Saratoga Springs. I knew that night it was a masterpiece. I counted the days till the CD to was released. Also attended the 3/11/2004 concert at the Cleveland Convocation center. Never forget the ride home that night. At least 50 accidents on interstate 90 because of black ice. Glad I have 2 of the 5000 copies of Eldorado. I know We can't always get what We want but I could make room for a Live Alchemy Tour Album. . Doug S. Warsaw N.Y.

  10. SONY: "Also, if not mistaken, I think this is before the brain aneurysm. Neil was changed by that in his look and in his delivery. Great post. Neil is very candid with his feelings throughout this interview."

    I presumed it was after his aneurysm as he compares "Harvest Moon" to "Prairie Wind" which he recorded at the time of his aneurysm.

  11. I wasn't aware of the change post aneurism, can someone explain what changed? Thanks

  12. The change post aneurysm is subtle to me...but it's there...I can't explain a subjective observation that's completely coming from someone like me who is just a huge fan & has never met Neil in person...

    But I do know one thing that hasn't changed and that's Neil's gift of writing killer songs and playing awesome mind blowing guitar...

  13. Thanks, I agree he's rockin hard and writing great music.

  14. Thanks a lot for posting this great interview - has been looking for it for years..... /Jesper, Copenhagen

  15. Very good interview thanks for posting

    -Tony R (Boston)


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