
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Tour Videos, Photos, Interviews w/ Neil Young

Neil Young - Hey Hey, My My @ Brooklyn - 12/3/12

Neil Young with Pierre - MMaRchives Blog | MMaRchives | Blog | 93.3 WMMR: Everything That Rocks

From Neil Young, Hurricane Sandy Benefit Q&A: Pay Attention to Victims, Not Kardashians - Spinner:
Back to the concert, why did you decide to do your own show instead of joining up with that all-star benefit at Madison Square Garden?

Neil Young: Well, the all-star lineup is great. It's fantastic. But whether I was part of it or not wouldn't have made any difference at all other than to just somebody's recognition of somebody. It wouldn't have made any difference in the amount of money. The idea is to raise money. That's what it is. That's the idea. So by doing my own thing and letting the star-studded lineup at the Garden do their own thing, I'm creating more, creating more on the outside in the grassroots way. We're going right down where some of the damage was, close to it so you can drive around and see it when you go down there and understand really what it is that we're doing and trying to fight and trying to clean up and who we're trying to help. These are real people -- this isn't a television show. There's nothing wrong with the television show but I'm personally not crazy about television shows. I'd rather see people there and talk to people like you and talk to other people and bring awareness to it in other ways. We need to get footage of what it looks like today on television instead of the Kardashians. [Editor's note: Neil pronounced this Kar-day-shians, which is awesome]
"Farmer John"
Los Lobos & Neil Young

Memorial Auditorium, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada - 2012-11-20
Photo from Los Lobos | Facebook
(Click photo to enlarge)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's as BIG as I ever heard that song.

  3. great photo ! Video is bit far away though, no ?


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