
Friday, July 13, 2012

Neil Young FAQ Diaries: Separating the Wheat from the Rust

Neil Young FAQ:
Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker

by Glen Boyd

As you may recall in our book review of Neil Young FAQ by Glen Boyd, we had a helping hand with some fact checking, proofing, etc.

Well, it turns out that both the author and TW had a couple of massive oversights that quickly became apparent upon publication.

From Neil Young FAQ Diaries: Separating the Wheat from the Rust - Blogcritics Music:
The "Rusties" first began life on the internet as the sort of wildly devoted Neil Young fan group who could quote you the most obscure song from Neil's vast catalog line and verse without batting an eye, and who have seen the man himself in concert—often on multiple continents—more times than folks like you and I change underwear.

No matter.

What is important here, is that these are those same Neil Young fanatics who religiously make their way out to the annual Bridge School benefits every year like clockwork.

They do so not only without apology, but by counting these same annual religious pilgrimages to Mountain View, California as simply another notch on their belts of devotion.

Shortly after the release of my book, Neil Young FAQ last month, the Facebook offshoot of these same Rusties sponsored two wildly successful book signings here in Seattle, which raised nearly $900 for said Bridge School.

Besides the obvious benefits of raising money for a great cause, the signings also brought some much-needed attention to my virgin entry into the rock-book sweepstakes as a newly published author. However, despite this overwhelming support from the Rusties, one gaping hole in the book was brought to my attention by a few fans soon after.

This was my lack of acknowledging this same fan group in the book itself.

The article seeks to atone for this omission as well as another ... Broken Arrow magazine, a quarterly, British-based publication put out by the folks at the Neil Young Appreciation Society.

So sincerest apologies to Rust & NYAS. Now we've yet to mention to Glen the next gap up in a town in North Ontario...the Youngtown Rock and Roll Museum.

Still, the Neil Young FAQ is a valuable resource and hopefully future printings will contain updates.

Sometimes that separating the wheat from the rust isn't as simple as it looks. And you know why. (Hint: more to the picture than meets the eye.)


  1. which may prompt one to ask 'why do I keep f#%$ing up?'

  2. I don't see why apologies are needed if people give from the heart. Any mention of a slight implies they did it for recognition.

  3. It's not so much an apology as it is an acknowledgment. The book was never intended to be about the fan community, but since that is an important element of the Neil Young story, it just seemed to be the right and appropriate thing to do.

  4. Thanks Glen. Acknowledgment and no excuses. cool.

    Best of luck getting to 2nd Edition!


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