
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Polyphonic Spree covers Neil Young | The A.V. Club

The Polyphonic Spree covers Neil Young

Everyday it seems that dozens of Neil Young covers breeze by on our Twitter, Facebook, and various other assorted feeds.

And did we really need yet another cover of "Heart Of Gold"? Well apparently the world does now as you can hear above. This cover definitely falls into the category of "wasn't expecting that?!"

From The Polyphonic Spree covers Neil Young | Music | A.V. Undercover 2012 | The A.V. Club:
It had been quite a while since we'd heard anything from the Texas-based, Texas-sized group The Polyphonic Spree, but when a Chicago show was announced, we couldn't help but wonder how many of them would fit in the little round room. (Their ranks have swelled at times to 24 people.) When they chose Neil Young's 1972 "Heart Of Gold," we figured something special would happen, and that the robes would flow. We think you'll find this delightful performance enough to tide you over until the group releases a holiday album later this year. Meanwhile, cult--uh, band--leader Tim DeLaughter recently released a collaboration with Secret Machines' Philip Karnats under the name Preteen Zenith, which is well worth checking out. Enjoy this mega-cover of "Heart Of Gold."


  1. Don't know who, or what, Polyphonic Spree is, but I love it! Heart Of Gold is a deceivingly difficult song to cover, and they do as good a job as I've heard.

    A Friend Of Yours

  2. they picked the most obvious choice for this covers project. i voted for something more obscure, but heart of gold won out.

    would have been cool to see reggie watts cover it, but he covered "panama".

  3. Real as the day is long.....

  4. Polyphonic Spree is a joyous band... Highly recommend seeing them live if you get the chance!

    David Bowie said a few years back they were his favorite current band.

  5. Their intro to this sounds a lot like those old western movie soundtracks when the Indians show up on the bluff in full force and the white man says, "Oh, shit."
    What a trippy band, although they're dressed like a cult, I can imagine seeing them live would be a hoot.

  6. Here's one of my favorite HOG covers, and it was done for charity and the ALR tribute album:

    And check this out for a double feature of music videos. Wonder what they would sound like played at the same time?!

    Oh America
    Oh England

    Let Freedom Ring!

  7. Strange crew but a cracking cover.


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