
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wisconsin Still Rockin' in the Free World Today

Twitter / @Mother Jones: #wiunion counter-protester ...

Well, well now. Isn't this amusing?

It would seem that those union bustin', astroturfin' elite counter-protesters today up in Madison, Wisconsin are playing Neil Young's "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World".

And if you fail to grasp this bizarrely ironic paradox of a musical political juxtaposition, then here you go.

Lebowski put it best | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

"I'm proud to be a Union Man."


  1. With all due respect, Gov. Walker received approximately 1,980,000 votes (from voters who don't shirk their responsibilities, and leave their jobs while on the tax payers dime.) The enlightened union folks you seem to be praising number about 40,000, apparently supplemented by Obama's "Organizing for America". Do the math

    People in Wisconsin have spoken Thrasher. They're fed up with lavish salaries and benefits for state employees (whose union dues is funneled into union coffers, and is challenged democratic candidates coffers, who then cut generous deals with unions at the taxpayers expense) The union weenies don't like it and wish the 60's would return. But that's just a hippie dream. Maybe that's the Neil song you should be listening to.

  2. "lavish salaries and benefits"?

    how so? relative to what?

    where did you come with that data that WI school teachers, etc have "lavish salaries and benefits"?

    pls source

  3. Republican politians want to blame the condition of the economy on pensions and unions. The truth is the state of the economy can be traced to one thing - GREED. It was the greed of banks and lenders, greed of home builders and developers, greed of retailers, and greed of you and me. We bought into a " Me, me, me, want, want, want" lifestyle. It was unsustainable and foolish. Unions, business, government all must take a hit. However, this is no excuse of union busting and it shouldn't be the solution. Finally, what is the difference between what the Wisconsin State Senators are doing and the US Senate tactic of filibuster?

  4. Given the dire circumstances in government budgets nationwide, sacrifice will need to come from all quarters. While the public employees should prepare to assume their share of the sacrifice, there seems no justification to deny this group or any group the right to collectively bargain should they be elect to do so. In the demonization of anything that is not in corporate interests, have we forgotten our American history in between the founding fathers and the tea party movement? While imperfect in more than a few implementations, the union movement has brought a better and healthier standard of living by representing the interests of workers in a profit-driven economic system. Forget the "60s weenies" , read about Homestead in 1892, or PATCO in 1981. We seem to need to find someone to blame for our troubles, this year it's public employees, or maybe it's immigrants, or environmentalists, or African-Americans or labor unions. Should today's targeted group because they are vilified in some quarters be forced to give up a portion of their rights? Lavish salaries for teachers? Come on, now...this is not just a budget battle for Wisconsin, it's a battle for our rights as citizens caught between a version of reality traded by corporate proxies and a version supported by close attention to our true American history.

  5. @klh - thanks for the labor movement history.
    i think many don't really understand & appreciate how important labor has been with dealing with issues such as child labor, minimum wage, safety regs, etc.

    one only has to look @ lobor conditions in China to see where this all going....



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