
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bridge Kids Interview Eddie Vedder and Grizzly Bear's Chris Taylor

The kids are so cool. And so strong.

As Eddie Vedder said at the Bridge concerts last year, the kids are the teachers and we are the students. Think about it.

From the Bridge School News Network, BSN co-anchors Joey and Cannon introduce the first in the series of interviews backstage at the 2010 Bridge School Benefit Concert. Watch BSN reporters Drew and Jake interview Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder and Grizzly Bear's Chris Taylor

More on Bridge 2010 Memories.


  1. Drew did an awesome job interviewing! Did you see her when he said, "you got a great smile!"

    What a flirt!

  2. Jake's not the least bit intimidated so he can draw out the true character of the person he's interviewing. I couldn't do that, that's for sure. That's a gift.

    They haven't found anyone to replace Charlie Gibson, right? Go for it, Jake! You're a natural at interviewing. (Not everyone can do that as well as you did!)

  3. What a wonderful world it can be....

    Perfect mixture of laughter and tears when Jake asks "What is your biggest challenge" and Eddie's response is "Raising kids and surfing big waves -- actually they're a lot the same". Sometimes the beauty of love just comes ringin' through.

    God Bless the Child....


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