
Friday, January 07, 2011

Jeff Healey Band Covers "Like a Hurricane" on YouTube

Here's the Jeff Healey Band covering Neil Young's "Like a Hurricane" at Notodden Blues Festival, Norway in August 2006 on YouTube.

Sadly, Jeff passed away a few years ago. A unique talent who made the best of his disabilities. For more, see Jeff Healey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

So will Neil write another "Hurricane"? He seems to think so. Or maybe he already has?

We would like to argue that he has written another "Hurricane" and it is titled "No Hidden Path". An epic jam that some ask whether the song is an Atomic Sunrise or a Nuclear Sunset?

"No Hidden Path"
Neil Young - London, England - 3/9/08

Photo by Dan on Flickr


  1. Just to show that I am alive, though I have still been visiting you. Yes, to me No Hidden Path have much of the same quality as Like a Hurricane, and I even enjoyed it more, going to three of Neil's concerts in Europe 2 and 3 years ago. And is he still writing good songs: Spirit Road and Love and War is also up there with the others of his best, I think.

    The Loner, Norway

  2. That rendition gives the Huricane it's do. Jeff Healey was a great talent and a unique man in rock and roll lore. Painting out those leads in braille with a fervor to match the original. It'll be tough for any tune Neil does to match the historical vibe of huricane as it is cemented in Neils legend as one of his cornerstone sounds with the trippy lyrics to boot. But in that vein, and as they say 'to search for the lost chord', it is obvious that the search for nirvana is the real trip, not the final destination. Huricane reminds me of that each time I hear it.

  3. There are only a handful of artists that should be authorized to perform Neil's Hurricane and Jeff Healey is certainly one of them. What a talent he was in Rock, Blues and Jazz!


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